2023 Dickinson EDA Fall Update

Each year in September, we take the opportunity to share the progress of our various task force groups and initiatives thus far in the year. We are delighted to report that significant strides have been made, and there is a positive momentum that will keep us focused for the remainder of 2023. The update includes highlights from each of the  strategic task force including: Government Relations and Advocacy, Marketing and Branding, Small Business Retention and Growth, Infrastructure and Housing Development, Talent and Education, and Link U.P.

Read the full update here: 2023 Dickinson EDA Fall Update

Central UP Regional Housing Partnership’s Draft Action Plan Review

Are you concerned about housing availability and affordability in the Central Upper Peninsula? The  Central UP Regional Housing Partnership’s Draft Action Plan is available for public review. The draft action plan aligns with Michigan State Housing Development Authority’s Statewide Housing Plan to address this issue in Alger, Delta, Dickinson, Marquette, Menominee, and Schoolcraft Counties.

Your input is crucial. Help us make a difference in our communities by reviewing the draft action plan by September 29th, 2023, 12:00 PM Eastern time. Access the Draft Action Plan and share your thoughts through our feedback survey.

A Tourist Treasure

Business in Focus features our downtown districts and trail networks of the Dickinson area in its April tourism issue. 

We sat down with Mindy Meyers of Downtown Iron Mountain, Dan Stoltman of the City of Norway, and Chad Susott of Dickinson Trail Network to talk about the abundance of economic opportunities, our thriving tourism industry, and various outdoor activities that give the Dickinson region a unique charm.

We highlight all the Dickinson area has to offer visitors, from unique local attractions like the Norway Spring, downtown festivals and events to outdoor recreation, public art installations, and live music and entertainment, contributing to the small-town charm that keeps tourists returning year after year. 

Read the full article to learn more.

SHIFT: Next-Level Career Magazine 2023

2023 Skilled Trade Career Paths Magazine

The Dickinson County Talent & Education Taskforce is excited to release this year’s Next-Level Career Magazine! With the hope of reaching future professionals within and outside of Dickinson County, this magazine was designed for students, teachers, educators, and anyone interested in pursuing a career-oriented future.

Learn about the different career paths, programs, and value career and technical education bring as you scroll through this publication. The 2023 Next-Level Career Magazine will touch on programs from DIISD and Bay College West, as well as provide you with the knowledge of post-education professional opportunities and experiences from local students.

If you’re interested in learning more about Skilled Trade Career Paths, contact Lois Ellis, Executive Director of the DAEDA.